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Having a degree is essential as you never know what future opportunity you may get in your life later.
Understanding your Oqaat from income perspective and Looli Langri Degree vs. Money making skills. 3 Important points for young people to understand from a Wealth creation perspective.
1. What is the right age to earn money?
2. Whatever you will earn at the age of 40 will reflect the valuation of your past 20 years of experience.
3. Why a Looli Langri degree vs. Money making skills?
I believe everyone should start making money from the age of 16. Young boys/girls making money from the age of 16 have a better chance of becoming a millionaire in 2 decades. By the age of 35, I expect you to be a millionaire. Your chances of becoming wealthy are 0.0001%. A lot will give up in the middle due to a lack of consistency, which is why the percentage is low.
Those who work closely with mentors have higher chances of becoming millionaires, probably in 6-8 years, with a 0.05% success ratio. 1 out of 200 will become wealthy. What about 199? Those 199 are likely to give up in the middle due to lack of consistency or may end up with smaller wealth. What about those who are super consistent and work with a mentor? Their chances are more than 70% to become a millionaire.
So by the time you reach 40, whatever you earn is the result of your past 20 years of experience. If you make Rs 70k a month, it means this is your ouqat (in good words), or we call it valuation. Your earning potential is already at peak by this age due to 20 years of experience behind you, and your hours are fully maxed out already. You cannot work more than whatever hours you are already spending at the age of 40. So if you are not satisfied with your earning, you will need to revamp your skillset or re-skill yourself or re-educate yourself. This will be very difficult due to the body going in decline.
A Looli Langri degree is necessary for those who do not like studying. At least get your degree because you never know when you will get an opportunity knocking on your door at the age of 27. Probably a job offer from Singapore? A salary of $15k a month? You will regret it terribly for not having a degree in your hand just because you were excited about making money online when you were young, and you thought you did not need a degree.
The problem is that a degree is not for making money, but your investment in long-term mindset development and the World needs it. You may not need it, but others may need it. So having a degree is essential as you never know what future opportunity you may get in your life later. This is when you will need it.
Sunny Ali
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