Obtaining investment from investors for your Amazon inventory is not difficult as long as you are an experienced seller and can rank your listings easily.

This video https://youtu.be/qNKz0-_tPd4  is a guide to Obtain Investment for Your Amazon Business  

We usually classify Inventory investment in 3 types. Grade A, B & C.

Grade A

This investment is for your listings which are already ranking high in Amazon. For such listings, you can always get investment very quickly and easily since the evidence is right there on Amazon’s first page already. Anyone can go to Amazon.com, type the keyword and see their listing in top spots assuming that their keyword has good search volume and not a dead keyword.

You can give lower share to investors and keep higher share for yourself since this is almost guaranteed return for anyone in these kinds of high ranked Amazon listings.

Grade B

 This investment is for a very high potential niche where chances of ranking high on Amazon is a sporting shot, profit is good and potential is very high. However, you don’t have any ranked listing yet. You are yet to rank your listing and yet to obtain the top spot and be able to move the inventory once you reach that top spot.

That means, investor’s money won’t give instant return to anyone and may take a month or 2 to build up the momentum but chances are high and this is not high risk but low to mid-level risk investment. For this kind of investment, you can offer higher profit sharing to investors such as an equal profit split between yourself and your investor.

Grade C

This investment is a high risk investment since you are dealing with a highly competitive niche where the volume could be high but profit margins may be lower and you cannot guarantee the ranking in such a crowded niche and you have to work hard for many months to achieve ranking. It’s always harder to get investment for such a niche. This kind of investment is ideal for a partner who himself/herself is the manufacturer of the goods and this partner is willing to give you the stock and ask you to rank the listings on Amazon.

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To learn more about setting up your online business on Amazon, you can attend our upcoming seminar. Find more details at https://ec.com.pk/
