Dive Into the World of eCommerce with Extreme Commerce

A Chance to Explore Unique Opportunities Ensuring Success While Reshaping Your Life

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Eager to Know About eCommerce World & Explore ?

Are You New to Extreme Commerce?

Being the first EdTech Start-up in Pakistan, Extreme Commerce focuses on skill development and capacity building within the eCommerce world.

We offer a comprehensive collection of Diploma Courses, Bootcamp Programs, an intuitive VBC, and an Incubator Platform for our students.

Are you eager to learn more and discover the hidden opportunities the eCommerce world holds for you? We are ready to help and guide you!

Decide Where you are ?

The 3 Stages of Life

There are three stages of earning for an Extreme Commerce student, entrepreneur, or solopreneur.

Kitchen Income

Stage 0/1

When you are looking for ways to generate enough to keep your kitchen running.

Asset Building

Stage 1/2

When you have savings and the desire to build an asset by investing and partnering to start a new business.


Stage 3

When you want to expand your assets with minimal effort, look for impressive ROI (Return on Investment).

A Treasure of Knowledge

Kitchen Income

Kitchen Income is the path to fulfillment of your basic necessities.

Be patient and start from these videos to explore it and get a clear picture on how to get your first Dollar online with strategy.

Choosing Freelancing or Asset Building – Which Is Smarter Choice?

How to Build Online Business Through Freelancing & Agency? (Most Important Video)

Which skillset is the best for me as per my personality and interest?

How to get a client online?

How to make money with Freelancing Incubation Network?

EC Incubator, and are you considering joining it?

How to identify if I am an Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert, or Omnivert?

How ECC (Extreme Commerce College) is the best idea once you clear your matriculation?

Crucial Videos to Get Started!

Asset Building

Are you no longer worried about your Kitchen Income? Ready to take the next step?

You can start with Stage 2 and build assets by establishing a business if you have savings.

Explore more about your options by watching these videos.

Choosing Freelancing or Asset Building – Which Is Smarter Choice?

Which is better – Private Label or Wholesale business? Why choose Amazon to launch your brand?

Can you face scams as an Investor?

What’s the future of the Amazon Online Arbitrage, Amazon Wholesale, and PL model in 2023?

Why avoid Amazon Saudi and Amazon Canada, and why are Amazon Australia and Amazon France better?

Why hiring a VA (Virtual Assistant) not a smarter choice?

Understanding the fine line between Diploma Track and Bootcamp program.

Crucial Videos to Get Started!


Congratulations on creating assets for yourself

If you desire to expand your assets and don’t have time, you can start with Stage 3 as an investor.
Explore more about your options by watching these videos.

What is an Investor? Understand Investorship

When to Invest, Where to Invest, & How to Invest

Self Employment vs Entrepreneurship vs Business Ownership vs Investor-ship

Investing $50k on 20k PKR employees

Making your first dollar through FFL, PL or investment route

Elite Program - Introduction

Sunny Ali Exclusive Session With Bootcamp Investors

Still Need A Consultation?

If you are still unsure about your path, you can fill out our consultation form below and we will get back to you right away.

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